Bob Frassinetti in the News!
Bob Frassinetti in the News!
My name is Bob Frassinetti. I'm now in my early fifties and because I love art and antiques I've been developing several collectibles oriented projects during the last 10 years. The first project I began to work on was the toy museum. I found myself finding in flea markets, fairs and old toy shops beautiful and rare toys made in Argentina about which there was no information available. I looked everywhere until I found out that I couldn’t find it ‘cause it didn’t exist. All the amazing Argentine made toys I collected were made during the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s, and unlike other countries in the world who worry about their history and cultural legacy, we –as a society- have let them in forget. So at the same time I collected vintage and antique toys I began to develop a research group who was in charge of finding all loose pieces available to complete the puzzle of the Argentinean toy industry’s history. The result has been so far not only encouraging but amazing, for besides of understanding the true nature of some of our most marvellous items, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing many of the most outstanding Argentinean industrials. The Museum has grown ever since I blended the objects with the information about them. And it has become to be the first virtual museum on Argentinean toys in the country and in Latin America. The feedback we’ve received throughout these incredible years of hard and hearted work have gave us strength and passion to keep on developing what so far is has come to be a brilliant idea. At the same time the Museum grew and I began to discover the richness in Argentina’s cultural and social history through means of one of its material productions: toys. A ticking question my toy oriented research unveiled was that every culture reflexes their vision of the world through their objects, and I found out that many American models that were been produced in Argentina were been adapted to the Latin American cultural public. So I began to wonder about how an immigrant built country’s objects would reflect this, and it has been quite a great surprise, the blend of the indigenous, colonial and immigrant cultures is superb down here and the objects these past generations have left us are outstanding. This is how Art Dealer, as a cultural and collectibles project began. My initial knowledge of art and antiques, and my experience with cultural research at the Museum were the foundation for Art Dealer to begin to grow. At the same time, as I kept on travelling through the bewitching scenarios of the beautiful Argentina I began to understand a bit more about that eclectic and gorgeous culture that intrigued me so much about the objects of our forefathers. Precious treasures; hidden under the everyday life’s chores. To me this has been a discovering experience that has filled me with joy, and keeps on surprising me every day as a young child who begins to open up to the world’s marvels. When Argentina, during the 2001 crisis, began to open up to travellers from all over the world, who were coming to discover this wonderful place, I thought I had to share my experience with those who cherished culture, travelling, and discovering as much as I did. I also thought that if I were to travel overseas I’d love to do it the way the saying says: When in Rome, you do what Romans do… and nothing better than a Roman to show you how. To share my knowledge and discoveries, I design custom made tours, not only ‘cause I like to work on a personal basis, but because I deeply believe each of us is unique and has different interests and passions and mass produced standard culture leaves out –some times- very important things. And for Buenos Aires, as every other metropolis has something to offer to each and every one of us, likewise Argentina. Seven years have gone by now since I’ve began to picture this broad cultural project, and each and every one of the days I’ve worked to develop my idea have been amazing, with its ups and downs, inputs and changes of direction. I’m very glad and grateful to be able to do what I love most and to be able to share it with others who, as myself find this lifetime experience unique and beautiful. For more information: Email: Bob Frassinetti. Press here to go back to web blog:Daily Updates on Art, Antiques, Collectibles as well as travel information for Buenos Aires, Argentina. Market Place Argentina: Follow Link and Join Visit my community Bob Frassinetti, The Buenos Aires Artdealer NET Travel Guide for Art and Antiques in Argentina | Promote your Page too
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Updated 2012 Bob Frassinetti Copyright Roberto Dario Frassinetti
Clarin Cultura Tuesday 4 July 2006
Clarin Cultura Tuesday 4 July 2006 
Salimos en Clarin, sector Cultura el Martes 4 de julio, 2006 ...... aquí esta tu invitación a la Muestra de Juguetes Retro y Clásicos Argentinos en Buenos Aires A partir del 5 de Julio y durante todo el mes de Julio, el Museo del Juguete de Buenos Aires presenta su avante premier muestra de juguetes clásicos Argentinos y retro de las décadas desde finales de los 60, 70 y hasta los 80s en el BAC- British Arts Center. De Martes a Viernes de 15 a 21 horas y en el período de vacaciones de invierno de lunes a viernes desde las 14 hs, sábados y domingo desde las 16 hs, todos aquellos que lo deseen podrán visitar esta espectacular muestra de juegos, juguetes y obras de arte que reflejen esta particular temática. Terminado en consecuencia el 6 de Agosto. Visitar en el Centro de Exposiciones del British Arts Center Suipacha 1333, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel 4393-6941 / Inauguración 5 de Julio de 2006, 19 horas, estas invitado…….. Es una muestra especialmente concebida y armada como espacio artístico cultural compartido para padres e hijos, niños, adultos, jóvenes y no tan jóvenes también. Nuestra colección presenta los juguetes más representativos de cada época con el objetivo de brindar al visitante espectador/participante la posibilidad de descubrir el maravilloso mundo de los juegos y juguetes en clave didáctica y artística. Aquí los padres podrán mostrarles a sus hijos los juguetes con los que ellos jugaron durante su niñez. Juguetes retro y clásicos como Robots y juguetes espaciales, juguetes de circo, autitos die cast de fabricación nacional Buby, Gorgo, Corgi y Muky, autitos y vehículos Duravit, muñecos de felpa y Ositos Teddy, muñecas originales hechas en argentina, Mi Pequeño Pony, Frutillitas, Juguetes de lata y muy especialmente un estilo de juguetes que hemos denominado juguetes populares que son juguetes antiguos hechos de forma casera que presentan una gran calidad, figuritas y álbumes desde las primeras hasta las famosas Basuritas de la década del 80, entre otros… todos exhibidos en mubles especialmente desañados para esta exposición……. The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Bob Frassinetti. For more information on the Buenos Aires Toy Museum email: Email: Bob Frassinetti. Contact me by phone Skype, ID: Bob Frassinetti or you can also chat with me thru Yahoo, press here: Yahoo Contact Find me on MySpace and be my friend!