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Bob Frassinetti, Art Collector & Antiques Dealer in Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Buenos Aies Toy Museum

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Link to About The Buenos Aires Toy Museum and our Compnay, Press here.

About The Art and Toy Museum Gallery Real Estate Investment, Press here.

The Villa in the Valley of Tulumba, Villa de Tulumba, Northern Cordoba, along the Old Royal Road, known in Spanish as Camino Real. Beginnings The route originated as the "Camino Real del Peru" (Royal Road of Peru), used since colonial times to travel from Buenos Aires, through Cordoba, Santiago del Estero, San Miguel de Tucuman, Salta, San Salvador de Jujuy, and Potosi, continuing to Peru. The section between Buenos Aires and the south of what it is today Cordoba Province, was shared with the "Camino Real del Oeste" (Royal Road of the West) which branched towards San Luis, Mendoza and Santiago (Chile). The road had a system of small inns and establishments every 30–50 km where travellers could rest. After the coming of the railroad, in the second half of the 19th Century, this road lost relevance, as the railroad provided faster service on any type of weather. The first train from Buenos Aires arrived in the town of La Quiaca in Argentina's northern border with Bolivia on 30 December, 1907.[1] With the advent of the automobile, the Federal Government decided to build roads throughout the Republic. In 1936 the road from Buenos Aires to La Quiaca was named Ruta Nacional 9 (National Route 9). In 1943 the road was open to traffic in its full length, even though most of it was unpaved. The road started competing against the railroad, taking passengers and cargo. The last passenger train to La Quiaca arrived on December 1993, and the last cargo train in July 1994

Bob Frassinetti

Art and Toy Museum Gallery Real Estate Investment in Argentina Topic: Art Museum Gallery Investment Opportunity in an ongoing Real Estate Project from the Buenos Aires Art and Toy Museum Gallery for a collectibles boutique hotel and museum gallery, is an outstanding inversion opportunity. The market's conditions couldn't be better. The timing is just as precise as it could ever be. This superb lodging is what Buenos Aires and its visitors need. Our Boutique unique hotel and collectors club would be the first one in Latin America, and there's no better place to start than Buenos Aires. For this port side city has historically been at the vanguard of Latin America's cultural and social development. A local unexplored market so far is awaiting to be updated to the world's latest trends in show rooms and lodging that will converge in this outstanding boutique hotel Latin American styled. Join Bob Frassinetti and a Group of International Investors in this project, email for more information. Bob Frassinetti Art and Toy Museum Gallery Real Estate at Kugli.com Read daily Up Dates on Art and Antiques for Buenos Aires, Argentina http://www.frassinetti.bizArgentina also exports antiques over 100 years old with the help of Bob Frassinetti Read all about the South of South America, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay on this link. Updated and new web site, The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Argentina www.the-ba-toymuseum.com Chat some more soon, ................................ Bob Frassinetti.

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Art Toy Museum Gallery Apart Hotel Villa Tulumba Cordoba Argentina
Art Toy Museum Gallery Apart Hotel Villa Tulumba Cordoba Argentina. The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, el Museo del Juguete Argentino. El Primer Museo Argentina en la web desde 1996. Investment Opportunity an ongoing Real Estate Project for a arts and collectibles boutique hotel-apartments with museum gallery. More Information Collectors, Collectibles and Investments It often comes to my mind that life’s all about taking pleasure in the things you do. Taking the most out of everything in the best possible terms. It’s not a matter of constant profit’s calculation. I’m an artdealer, a collector. It comes from my heart, it’s an inner impulse. I enjoy very much a great item, interesting crafting, the uniqueness in the things I owe. I have collected items even before I was an artdealer; all sort of interesting things that caught my eye. When I was a child, this actions of mine were referred as hobbies, now, I’m a collector, into collectibles. I don’t mind labels. Recently I got hold of an article about investing in collectibles. A very interesting piece that touched different approaches to this inversion in question. Throughout the article the author approached the pros and cons of investing in collectibles, the sales profits, the losses throughout time and the low return of your investment… It’s obvious, an item goes a long way before it’s appreciated as an antique or vintage item. For example, Christie’s –the famous British auction house- has just recently began to auction 1970s vintage items. So, you can figure out how long you’ll have to wait… To us, collectors, waiting is not a problem, and our collectibles are not just mere money investments of which we’re expecting a monetary return soon. Most of our returns are passionate feelings awaked by the beauty of the item we’ve acquired, non tangible profits are one of the best possible returns for a collector. The exact moment in which you spot the object of your afection, when you point it out from the crowd and decide it has to be yours, has no price. Collectibles go all the way from toys to scholar items, from stamps to sculptures, art pieces, vintage trains and antique cars… Indeed, our collectibles are investments. Of course these items can be bought and sold over and over, and in each transaction we can make some extra money. But investing in collectibles is not just about the money, and anyone who’s a collector knows what I’m talking about. We, collectors, invest our time and money not just in the purchase of the item in question but also in its conservation and also in its background history. Investing in collectibles is exiting and interesting. But I don’t think we look at this “investment” in monetary terms, at least not the whole of it. I think collectors are natural investors that consider the economical side as much as the emotional and non tangible ones. At the moment The Buenos Aires Toy Museum and Artdealer are developing a profitable Real Estate holding investment, thought by collectors for fellow collectors. Purchasing a property in one of lovely Provincies of Argentina, the Province of Cordoba, in a small and most exclusive areas and developing a boutique lodging. A special location for collectors from all over the world who appreciate Argentinean made items –from vintage toys to art-, customized rooms exhibiting one of a kind collectibles, special experts on Argentinean collectibles arranging antique hunts to unknown and valuable markets within Buenos Aires, are just some of this investment’s attractive features. In terms of investments, Argentinean Real Estates is one of the most profitable ventures at the moment offering USD investment, with income and potential for capital gain as well as great returns. As I’ve stated before, collectors invest with tangible and non tangible returns in terms of their collectibles and are investors by nature. Bob Frassinetti. Buenos Aires and Villa de Tulumba, Argentina Bob Frassinetti, art and antique dealer and free lance journalist from Argentina, Buenos Aires, working on the web, writing both for pleasure and work on art, antiques and collectibles, in and on Buenos Aires, Argentina as well are neighboring countries, Chile and Uruguay. "I've written for several Travel Adventure, Art & Antiques Magazines on and off the web and have researched Toys made here in Argentina, as well as Travel Adventure from Route 40 and Lighthouse Adventures along the Atlantic and Pacific coast, Dakar Rally 2009, 2010 and now for a 3erd time, 2011, and now we are “Building a Gallery Museum in the Province of Cordoba” Real Estate Investment ........ Travelling for Art and Antiques" and I have been on line since 1996
Contact us, Bob Frassinetti
Contact us, Bob Frassinetti 
Topic: Art Museum Gallery Próximamente el Art and Toy en 3D, el primer Museo y Gallería en la Argentina y por Bob Frassinetti junto a un grupo de Inversionistas Nacionales e Internacionales, lanzan el primer Boutique Hotel y Gallería de arte y Museo de Juguete proyectado por la zona de Junín, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Un exitoso modelo de inversión inmobiliaria que permite ser dueño y huésped a la vez, participar no solo obteniendo una mayor rentabilidad en el alquiler de la unidad y la posibilidad de utilizar los servicios del hotel a través de una membrecía especial, pero también disfrutar to todo los servicios del lugar ............ BIENVENIDOS A BUENOS AIRES TOY MUSEUM El Buenos Aires Toy Museum tiene el inmenso placer de invitarte a conocer pronto su nuevo sitio Web en español y en 3D, donde encontrarias nuevas secciones, notas, entrevistas a fabricantes, investigaciones, concursos, subastas, cientos de fotos sobre los juguetes y figuritas producidos en la Argentina a lo largo de la historia y una breve resena sobre cada uno de ellos. Nuestra intencion como miembros del primer museo del juguete argentino es que este sitio no se convierta en una mera exposicion sino en un espacio de conocimiento y aprendizaje para todo aquel que la visita, y en pos de este fin es que desarrollamos esta nueva pagina. Nuestros equipos periodisticos, de investigacion y de diseno trabajaron duramente para hacer esto posible, y lo siguen haciendo en vi­as de su perfeccionamiento. Esperamos que nuestro nuevo sitio Web en español y en 3D sea de tu agrado y que te conviertas en un asiduo visitante del museo, que semana a semana se actualizará para brindarte una mayor información y un mejor servicio. Tu satisfaccion es lo mas importante para nosotros. Por eso te pedimos que nos envias tus comentarios sobre el sitio. Tus consejos, datos, reprimendas, felicitaciones y preguntas sobre la comercializacion de los objetos son muy utiles para todos los que hacemos posible este proyecto, ya que nos sirven para mejorar aquello por lo que diariamente trabajamos. Sin mas palabras por mi parte, clickea en la direccion que te enviamos e ingresa en el mundo de los juguetes argentinos...... Desde ya, muchas gracias. Un saludo fraternal. Bob Frassinetti. http://www.the-ba-toymuseum.com/ Email Bob Frassinetti at the BA Toy Museum. The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Argentina. Bob Frassinetti. Email Bob Frassinetti at the BA Toy Museum. The Buenos Aires Toy Museum,Argentina. Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 2008 to 2009. Roberto Dario Frassinetti. Topic: Art Museum Gallery Próximamente el Art and Toy en 3D, el primer Museo y Gallería en la Argentina y por Bob Frassinetti junto a un grupo de Inversionistas Nacionales e Internacionales, lanzan el primer Boutique Hotel y Gallería de arte y Museo de Juguete proyectado por la zona de Junín, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Un exitoso modelo de inversión inmobiliaria que permite ser dueño y huésped a la vez, participar no solo obteniendo una mayor rentabilidad en el alquiler de la unidad y la posibilidad de utilizar los servicios del hotel a través de una membrecía especial, pero también disfrutar to todo los servicios del lugar ............ BIENVENIDOS A BUENOS AIRES TOY MUSEUM El Buenos Aires Toy Museum tiene el inmenso placer de invitarte a conocer pronto su nuevo sitio Web en español y en 3D, donde encontrarias nuevas secciones, notas, entrevistas a fabricantes, investigaciones, concursos, subastas, cientos de fotos sobre los juguetes y figuritas producidos en la Argentina a lo largo de la historia y una breve resena sobre cada uno de ellos. Nuestra intencion como miembros del primer museo del juguete argentino es que este sitio no se convierta en una mera exposicion sino en un espacio de conocimiento y aprendizaje para todo aquel que la visita, y en pos de este fin es que desarrollamos esta nueva pagina. Nuestros equipos periodisticos, de investigacion y de diseno trabajaron duramente para hacer esto posible, y lo siguen haciendo en vi­as de su perfeccionamiento. Esperamos que nuestro nuevo sitio Web en español y en 3D sea de tu agrado y que te conviertas en un asiduo visitante del museo, que semana a semana se actualizará para brindarte una mayor información y un mejor servicio. Tu satisfaccion es lo mas importante para nosotros. Por eso te pedimos que nos envias tus comentarios sobre el sitio. Tus consejos, datos, reprimendas, felicitaciones y preguntas sobre la comercializacion de los objetos son muy utiles para todos los que hacemos posible este proyecto, ya que nos sirven para mejorar aquello por lo que diariamente trabajamos. Sin mas palabras por mi parte, clickea en la direccion que te enviamos e ingresa en el mundo de los juguetes argentinos...... Desde ya, muchas gracias. Un saludo fraternal. Bob Frassinetti. http://www.the-ba-toymuseum.com/ Email Bob Frassinetti at the BA Toy Museum. The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, Argentina. Bob Frassinetti. Email Bob Frassinetti at the BA Toy Museum. The Buenos Aires Toy Museum,Argentina. Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 2008 to 2009. Roberto Dario Frassinetti.

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The Buenos Aires Toy Museum
Topic: Donate
Donate in the Buenos Aires Toy Museum Funds by Fundacion para el Arte en Villa del Valle de Tulumba" "Doña Eva Staub de Rona Eva Staub de Rona" here in Argentina.


When you purchase ( or  donate funds  ) on any  item at the Buenos Aires Toy Museum all profits are invested in the development of the Museum. When buying a toy from our Toy Museum you're not only buying a bit of the History of Argentina, but also contributing to the conservation of vintage and antiques toys, and to furthering the museum's research project on Argentine toy industries and to rescue valuable items for forget and the pass of time. Thank you for helping us to keep on developing this fantastic project! The Buenos Aires, “Toy Museum Team”.

Thank you. Bob Frassinetti, art and antique dealer and free-lance journalist from Argentina, Buenos Aires, working on the web, writing both for pleasure and work on art, antiques and collectibles, in and on Buenos Aires, Argentina as well are neighboring countries, Chile and Uruguay. "I've written for several Travel Adventure, Art & Antiques Magazines on and off the web and have researched Toys made here in Argentina, as well as Travel Adventure from Route 40 and Lighthouse Adventures along the Atlantic and Pacific coast, Dakar Rally  2009, 2010 and now for a ed time, 2011, and now we are “Building a Gallery Museum in the Province of  Cordoba” Real Estate Investment  ........  Travelling for Art and Antiques"   and I have been on line since 1996 


The Buenos Aires Toy Museum, daily News on Blog all about Toys made in Argentina!

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Number of People in there 1000 + Interested in Art and Antiques here in the South of South Amerca,......... as well as all kinds of adventure travel from Route 40, Dakar Argentina and Chile, Lighthouse Tours, Travel with Bob Frassinetti to Investing in new ways in Art + Real Estate here in Villa de Tulumba:

Argentina and Chile, South America Art and Antique Travel Guide by Bob Frassinetti.


Bob Frassinetti, art collector and antique dealer as well as free lance journalist from Argentina, Buenos Aires, working on the web, writing both for pleasure and work on art, antiques and collectibles, in and on Buenos Aires, Argentina as well are neighboring countries, Chile and Uruguay. "I've written for several Travel Adventure, Art & Antiques Magazines on and off the web and have researched Toys made here in Argentina, as well as Travel Adventure from Route 40 and Lighthouse Adventures along the Atlantic and Pacific coast, Dakar Rally  2009, 2010 /2011 /12/13/14/15, and now we are “Building a Gallery Museum in the Province of  Cordoba” Real Estate Investment  ........  Travelling for Art and Antiques"   and I have been on line since 1996 

Living with art and antiques and travelling the south of South Amercia. Argentina, Chile, and now Paraguay and Uruguay.

San Telmo, Buenos Aires 2010

ph: +54 11 47990567
alt: +54 911 4475 3983

CopyRight 2010 -2011/2014. Bob Frassinetti. Roberto Dario Frassinetti