Toy Soldier, lead and plastic soldiers, made in Argentina Image Gallery.Toy soldiers production begun a long time ago together with a militarist
ideology many times translated into nationalism. In the American continent,
for example, the first time we have information on these sort of toys is
simultaneously to the breackthrough of the Independence wars.
Specialists -psychologists, historians and sociologists- agree in explaining
the social and cultural importance of these kind of toys related to the
consolidation of a nation and a State, sustaining that early in their lives
children are taught to love and respect their newly born country and army.
Back in those days toy soldiers made out of polychrome clay, lead, wood,
even silver and gold some times.
Email: The Buenos Aires Toy
Museum,Bob Frassinetti.
The Buenos Aires
Toy Museum,Argentina.
Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 2005. Roberto Dario Frassinetti.
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Lead Toy Soldiers Made in Argentinan
In Argentina, as in many Latin American countries, from the days of the
independence war up till the first decades of the twentieth century, these
kind of toys were imported, made elsewhere, England and Germany specially.
Once brought to the country, these items were hand painted accordingly to
the style of the local army. It was a time when most of the toys were home
made, except for those played with by the upper class children, for whom
their parents brought them specially from abroad.
However foreign the main flow of the toys were, there can be found several
examples of hand made local ones, these are nowadays exhibited in Museums or
private collections.
It was during the late 40s when most Argentinean toys were began to be
produced in the country. It's very hard to reconstruct this part of the
Argentinean toy industry. However our hard work has paid off, we acknowledge
at least two of the main original lead soldiers Birmania, and the second one
EG Toys, also manufactured plastic ones.
And a funny aspect of this industry -hence the little info- is that it has,
throughout time, prevailed the artisan aspect of the production, design and
finishing touches. Even to our days we can acquire the same kind of hand
made, one of a kind soldiers.
Email: The Buenos Aires Toy
Museum,Bob Frassinetti.
The Buenos Aires
Toy Museum,Argentina.
Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 2005. Roberto Dario Frassinetti.