SVETOVAR FRANCISCOVICH « previous | index | next »
USA, Vose Brothers Gallery 1920 
October, 1920. Vose Brothers Galeries The Autumn season at Vose Bros.' Gal leries opened with an exhibition of 30 views of Lake Titicaca by an Argentinian artist, S. M. Franciscovich, who has his own; in dividual style of painting, in character smooth and done in an overcareful and pains taking way. If one can even half-way sug gest the majesty and grandeur of the South American mountains and lakes and at the same time create a beautiful painting, the attempt is at least worth while. That Franciscovich has suggested the beauty of this scenery is clearly evident, as, for- ex ample, his canvas "Tranquility," rolling clouds piled: high on high,- their edges tinged with glowing pink deepenling towards the horizon to a deeper glow of sunset andr further up between a rift in- the clouds the white peaks of the Andes 'mirrcored in th'e placid waters of the lake. ~~ - Sidney Woodward. '