Punta Medanos Lighthouse Argentina
Punta Medanos Lighthouse Argentina « previous | index | next »
Lighthouse, On the road to Medanos Point, Argentina 
Seeking by air Lighthouses in Argentina .... Topic: Lighthouse Tour About airplanes and lighthouse trips... Aviation is an activity of which Argentineans are very fond of. Specially if one takes into consideration not only the incredibly pleasant feeling of flying but at the same time the possibility of enjoying from an alternative view of terrific landscapes. In this matter, our country has very much to offer.Just a few days ago, I checked an auction of a christening flight over Buenos Aires in one outstanding craft, it was an Acher Piper in great conditions. And not so much ago I found out about the history of Argentina in the production of airplanes. To my surprise this country was the first South American one to produce an airplane, and the very first -even in all Latin America- to begin to explore this fantastic field of aircraft design and testing. One very recent news, regarding this matter has also been an input for me to write this piece, which is the latest innovation of Aerolineas Argentinas, offering its passengers not only a deluxe plane but tailor made options for the business traveller who wants to be productive without stressing out. One of their jets has been specially adapted as a flying office, alike the private jets many businessmen around the world own, though unlike those, this is available to everybody who wishes to enjoy it.So, after reading about all this new to me information, I began to check local airports from which one could fly and discover the majesty of these lands from an other perspective. The result was encouraging, there are moreplane- clubs than I would have imagine. For you to figure out what I'm talking about, there are at least more than 3 clubs per province, and only in Buenos Aires there are more than 12.The beauty in this discovery -at least to me- is that a new way of merging my passions have resulted, for I can re discover the treasures the Argentinean lands have to offer -if you've had the chance of watching Motorcycle diaries, you'll know the kind of beauty I'm talking about- through means of flying in crafts which in themselves are a pleasure to those of us who love to fly. Even more it’s possible to test locally produced planes, as well as flying in superb antique planes too. Wow! What an experience!!