Picture Image Gallery for Perlas Islands Submarine.The story begins.......This is a wonderful discovery, and we might risk to say its double jeopardy, for once it seems to be the submarine inspiration that lead Jules Verne to his most fantastic novel Twenty thousand leagues under the sea published in 1870. At the same time this submarine itself is an outstanding museum like discovery. According to the information provided by the experts on location, this submarine was conceived early in 1864 by the brilliant mind of Julius Kroehl. This mastermind of design and engineering built this submarine, christened Explorer as the Unions forces during the American Civil war key weapon. However the Explorer was never used in the conflict and was subsequently taken to Panama where it was used to harvest pearls.For more information: Email: Bob Frassinetti. Press here to go back to web blog:Daily Updates on Art, Antiques, Collectibles as well as travel information for Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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The story begins, from research work ......
James Delgado of Vancouver first identified the wreck as a CWE sub ( Civil War Era Submarine ). He did all the research and wrote an article that was published in NAVAL HISTORY, December 2004. The sub prior to his identification was always thought to be a WWll Japanese mini-sub. It has been visited, photographed and written about for years in Panama.
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