Kinder Ferrero Collectibles
Kinder Ferrero Collectibles
Kinder Ferrero Collectibles, from all South America,Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Central America. We SELL Kinder FROM Latin America, world wide Toy dealer. Production & Distribution The producer for Kinder Latin America is Argentina in its Buenos Aires Plant. They distribute to regional distributers such as Brazil, the Andes region and Argentina itself. Argentina-Uruguay Brazil-Uruguay Andes Region: Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela and Colombia Collections The collections that are being produced in the Latin American region are "out of phase" in relation with the collections launched in Europe. The difference is of an approximate gap of two years, so what it is currently the 2007 collection in Germany or Italy, it will be the 2008-9 collection in Argentina and the rest of the region. At the same time there's another divergence in the collections within Latin America. For, while there are 100 different toy-surprises every year, each region gets differential distributions of the collections, therefore there are differnt options of surprises at the same time in each of the regions. For more information: Email: Bob Frassinetti. Press here to go back to our E Zine on Toys to Art, from Antiques to Tours by Bob Frassinetti:Daily Updates on Art, Antiques, Collectibles as well as travel information for Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone me thru Skype, ID: Bob Frassinetti or you can also chat with me thru Yahoo, press here: Yahoo Contact Find me on MySpace. Check out Market Place Argentina our Forum for Buying and Selling from Argentina. Visit my community 2012 Bob Frassinetti Copyright Roberto Dario Frassinetti Bookmark and Share
From Art to Toys from Antiques to Tours, Bob Frassinetti
From Art to Toys from Antiques to Tours, Bob Frassinetti 
And, So if you are interested in Art or Antiques, and you are travelling to Buenos Aires, or to other parts of Argentina, like Rosario, Entre Rios, Cordoba or Mendoza, please feel free to email me, I can help, from Guided Tours to Exporting Antiques and Art …….. and what about Collectibles and just to mention some like Advertising, Advertising Art, Architectural, Art Deco, Auto Parts, Badges, Banks, Beswick, Bottle, Bottle Openers, Bronze, Button, Calendars, Candy Containers, Carnival Glass, Chandeliers, Christmas, Coca Cola, Corkscrews, Elvis Presley, Ethnic Art, Ethnic Toys, Fans, Fishing, Fishing Reels, Folk Art, Francisco Adaro, Furniture, Harmonica, Lamps and lightning items, the wild 60's and 70's, Garden Furnishing, Girl Scout, Glass Art, Glass Contemporary, Golf, Halloween, Inkwells, Insulators, Ivory, Japanese Woodblock Prints, Jewellery, Judaic, Kitchen, Knife, Lamps, Lighters, Lightning Rod , Majolica, Match Holders, Medical, Motorcycles, Music, Napkin Rings, Nautical, Netsuke’s, Nutcrackers, Paintings, Liberato Spisso, born Buenos Aires, Argentina. 14 March 1903, Portrait Artist, Viski, Jean ( Janos ) 1891 - 1961, Old Car, Paper, Paperweights, Pens, Pencils, Pencil Sharpeners, Pepsi Cola, Perfume Bottles, Pewter, Phonographs, Photography, Postcards, Posters, Prints, Radio, Railroad , Records, Steam Tractor, Scientific Instruments, Sewing, Sheet Music, Silver, Souvenirs, Sports, Stero Cards, Stereoscopes, Telephones, Television, Tools, Toys, "The Buenos Aires Toy Museum. Argentina", or a Tractor, Typewriters, Watch, Weapons, Weather Vanes, Wood Carvings, Wooden, World's Fair, to say Vito Campanella. Bob Frassinetti: For more information: Email: Bob Frassinetti. Press here to go back to web blog:Daily Updates on Art, Antiques, Collectibles as well as travel information for Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone me thru Skype, ID: Bob Frassinetti or you can also chat with me thru Yahoo, press here: Yahoo Contact Find me on MySpace. Updated 2009 Copyright Bob Frassinetti, travelling for arts and antiques in the south of South America,.......