Strawberry Shortcake, known in Argentina as Frutillitas, is the name of a female doll popular as well as album and trading cards, these where made only in Argentina (?)with children of all countries. The doll consists of a girl whose hair is colored strawberry red and has been perfumed to smell like strawberries. This character has been very popular among girls, specially during the 1980s.As much as in the USA as in Argentina.
The 1980s Strawberry Shortcake frenzy led to the production of thousands of products, including, of course, dolls, video games, sticker albums, clothes, video movies and many more. In addition, there is a cartoon based on the doll.
Email: The Buenos Aires Toy
Museum,Bob Frassinetti.
The Buenos Aires
Toy Museum,Argentina.
Bob Frassinetti. Copyright 2005. Roberto Dario Frassinetti.
Bbay Doll, Strawberry Shortcake, Argentina
Strawberry Shortcake, Frutillitas made in Argentina