Curry in the Kitchen
Curry in the Kitchen « previous | index | next »
Bob Frassinetti 
It all begins with some great quality beef (filet mignon, entrecote, tenderlion). Cut it into cubes and brown in 2 tablespoons of olive oil. It's important that this is not extra virgin oil, for this one burns easily, it has to be good but not extra vigin. It'll start changing color, from red to white and then to brown. Careful! the bead must not be fried, slightly roasted and costantly moved around. When brown add 1 cup of fresh water to the wok and add 3-4 tablespoons of your chosen curry powder -if not done this way, the curry powder would burn and it'll spoil the whole meal. Soon the powder mixed with the water will become a sauce. Bob Frassinetti's Facebook profile