Art to Antiques and travelling Argentina Uruguay or Chile
Art to Antiques and travelling Argentina Uruguay or Chile « previous | index | next »
Exporting Art and Antiques 
Art and Antiques to the world....... exporting to the world. For more than 5 years now, Argentina has been a recognized paradise for collectors, dealers and auctioneers. The uniqueness of this paradise lays on the fact that it opened its doors to the world after the crack in 2001, when the Argentine Peso value dropped dramatically in the international market. Featuring a truly appealing quality and quantity of items within its market of all sorts of collectibles ranging from Toys to Tractors, from Modern Art to Classical sculpturing, Argentina has what it takes to become the IT place for art, antiques, collectibles, design and fashion. It is not a novelty that these features are now well known around the globe, and that the flow of this particular kind of trade has grown geometrically in recent years. However there are indeed novelties within the procedures in these exportations. Form a fairly simple and uncontrolled shipment during the first couple of years to the recent modifications in the norms and requirements, a lot of water has run under this bridge. We want to state that it is neither impossible nor hard to do, but requires an in depth knowledge and contact network. A container is not just a container, but what it carries within, and each container to be shipped off has a modus operandis to follow according to what the exportation is. Meaning: it is not the same to ship off a 20 feet container filled with antique furniture, than a container filled with artworks or a new fashionable clothing line, or even a classic car and an antique tractor have their own requirements and times. For starters it is important to state that the process of exporting is not immediate, this means that there’s some time involved in working out an exportation shipment out of the country, ranging from 1 to 3 months or even more… From helping you buy each and every single of the items that will be inside the container to packing it and working out the paperwork, we do it all as well as oversee each and every single step of the exportation. Once the items are bought, bare in mind it is important to get invoices from each shop you purchase at. Your purchases from each of the shop will be picked up and stored in a special warehouse because the total shipment has to be insured in order to cover the possibility of casualties. Once stored, each of the items has to be inventoried with photographs and descriptions. This is required by Argentine customs as well as by the shipping company. Antiques, collectibles and art, depending the kind usually undergo a special treatment since the Government’s Cultural office demands that each of these items leaving the country has a permit stating that these are not stolen or protected pieces. This has to be carefully taken care of, because without the paperwork they will not allow the item to leave the country. Being that this business is new to Argentina in the broadness of its flow, regulations as well as paperwork and requirements might change and increase, the way they have in the last couple of months and years, until final requirements are set for good. That’s why it is so important to work with reputable firms who are constantly up-to-date in the ins and outs of these matters. Once the items are approved, then they must be properly packed and handled. The packing has to be government approved, or else it won’t be admitted by the recipient country –US, Europe, etc, have very strong regulations regarding the receiving of packets from abroad that are not health approved. At this point, the boxes that will be filled into the containers must be sent to the Buenos Aires port for shipment, and Customs’ approval. Once fitted into the container, there’s a time gap until it finally is set in the ship, and that the ship sales off to the receiving port. Depending on the location the frequency of the shipping can be of twice a week to every day to once every two weeks… This is a brief insight on the current exporting process in Argentina, that will allow our readers to better understand the times and requirements in exporting from Argentina to the world.