Time Tunnel Television Memorabilia
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THE LEGEND OF TIME TUNNEL, Time Tunnel Television Memorabilia, And Now the latest on Time Travel a new Time Tunnel Tribute book out from Argentina. "TV CLASSIC SERIES BOOK – THE LEGEND OF TIME TUNNEL" Very Limeted FIRST EDITION only 300 printed! Included in the price, your book, "dedicated to you amd signed by the auther!" Book in English and with 123 Pages – And with 16 Original Photos By Marcel Abeal, a tribute of the famous TV series. And foreword by Robert Golbert himself! To BUY the book contact me, Bob Frassinetti: For more information: Email: Bob Frassinetti. Press here to go back to web blog:Daily Updates on Art, Antiques, Collectibles as well as travel information for Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone me thru Skype, ID: Bob Frassinetti or you can also chat with me thru Yahoo, press here: Yahoo Contact Find me on MySpace and be my friend!