Monique Rozanes
Monique Rozanes « previous | index | next »
Born in Bordeaux, France she studied at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (París) and at the Ecole laboratorie St Gobain on Resines. Since 1956, she's done several solo exhibitions at the museums Chartres (France), Chaux de Fonds (Switzerland), Saint-Léger (Soissons-France), Rioja (Argentina); and galleries like P. Fachetti (Paris and Zurich), Art Shop (Bále - Switzerland), Rubbers, Praxis, Van Eyck and Kramer (Bs. As.), Arlette Gimaray (Paris), Sluis (Holland). Lelia Mordoch (Paris). She obtained the Sculpture First Prize in the Alexandria International Biennial, Egypt and National Room and the Prize for Foreign Artist at the National Plastic Arts Saloon in Buenos Aires. Her works are modern statements, and as such it's sometimes complicated to be as well as understood and appreciated as she should. We found about Monique in a curious matter, for she's the widow to a prominent Argentinean artist, Leopoldo Torres Aguero -about whom we've written before, recuperating his works and style from a non deserved oblivion or blackout-.