Gauchito Gil Road Side Shrine Sanctuaries
Gauchito Gil Road Side Shrine Sanctuaries
Gauchito Gil Road Side Shrine or Sanctuaries Gauchito Gil shrines can be found all throughout the Argentine routs, highways and roads, from the northernmost point in La Quiaca, to Ushuaia down in the southern extreme of our Republic. And if we approach this spectacular phenomena from a sociological and anthropological point of view, we will realize that Gauchito Gil symbolizes the need and devotion for heroes and prime human values, and considering the situation this country has gone through the last decade, and the lack of institutional role models opened a gap in which popular cultural modalities have raised upon the unsatisfied as to open a shred of light within such darkness. For more information: Email: Bob Frassinetti. Press here to go back to web blog:Daily Updates on Art, Antiques, Collectibles as well as travel information for Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Gauchito Gil shrines ........
Gauchito Gil shrines ........ 
one story on Gauchito Gil, The past weekend was a national holiday in Argentina linked in fact, to this matter of topic, the Spanish conquest. When driving, I was astonished by a Dante like scenario, when I saw a Gauchito Gil shrine on fire. It was too late to put it off, since it was burning almost everything. …………an accident, an excess of offerings, candles, cigarettes, etc, a bit of wind and it got all it lighten up… Passion and need of guidance, and excessive worshiping had burnt down the source to it. For more information: Email: Bob Frassinetti. Press here to go back to web blog:Daily Updates on Art, Antiques, Collectibles as well as travel information for Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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