Auction Tour for Art and Antiques
Auction Tour for Art and Antiques
Auction Tour for Art and Antiques here in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Auctions in Buenos Aires are a great option for collectors, art and antique dealers and gallery owners from around the globe. Bob Frassinetti Art & Antique Dealer has a specialized team that handles everything in terms of buying art, collectibles and antiques from auctions and shops, to hunting and customized touring services. The planning begins before you arrive to the city, with conversations, directions and market research of the style, art and antiques you’re looking for. From the minute you arrive to Buenos Aires we handle everything from picking you up in the airport, hotel reservations, auctions scheduling, hunts to off the path markets and fairs, discounts, shipping and handling all the paper work regarding the exporting of the works. This is a great opportunity to work with and take advantage, but the best way to take the most out of it is by planning and working in advance. So if you are interested in Art or Antiques, and you are thinking of travelling to Argentina Chile or Uruguay please feel free to email me…….. Please feel free to contact Bob Frassinetti: For more information: Email: Bob Frassinetti. Press here to see all topics on Art, Antiques and Travel Information for Buenos Aires & Argentina:Everything on Art, Antiques, Collectibles as well as travel information for Buenos Aires, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Phone me thru Skype, ID: Bob_Frassinetti or you can also follow and contact me on iPhone Apps, press here: Contact Find your Apps iArtdealer for your iPhone! Or Phone: +54 911 4475 3983 or in B's A's: 15 4475 3983 ) Invest in Argentina Real Estate an uprunning opportunity with a Future Read The Buenos Aires Art Dealer a e-zine magazine on Art, Antiques & Collectibles from Argentina. The Buenos Aires ArtDealer, Argentina.
Auction tours in Buenos Aires buying in the most prestigious auctions around the City of BA.
Auction tours in Buenos Aires buying in the most prestigious auctions around the City of BA. 
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